Pumice Creek Lodge

LaRose Guide
Service offers brown bear and moose hunts on the Alaska Peninsula. A unique
wilderness experience in a spectacularly beautiful
place! Stay at Pumice Creek Lodge, 376 air miles east of
Anchorage, 86 air miles south of King Salmon, and far
from the crowd. Remote, rustic, and unspoiled...but with
comfortable accommodations, experienced guides, and
savory meals! Pumice Creek Lodge rests near the
mountains, surrounded by vast opportunity for harvesting
trophy Alaska coastal brown bear and Alaska Yukon
moose. Our Wilderness! The Alaska Frontier!
Click Here For More Information On Pumice
Creek Lodge
Alaska Brown Bear Hunts

The Alaska Peninsula is home to one of
the largest salmon runs in the world. This is the major
reason we grow the biggest brown bear found anywhere in
the world. This is a trophy Alaska brown bear habitat, and is
strictly regulated by the Alaska Department of Fish and
Game. This hunt takes place on the Alaska Peninsula in
May, between the 10th and the 25th in 2012 and 2014.
Also, in October between the 1st and the 21st of 2011
and 2013.
Click Here For More
Information On Our Alaska Brown Bear Hunts
Alaska Moose Hunts

If 60 inch-plus moose are your goal,
this is the place. We have been averaging 62" to 64"
since 1967. When the season opens, the rut is just
beginning. We track moose throughout the Fall. We choose
our moose for their size and points and put a camp in as
near as possible. Your hunt generally takes place within
10 miles of base camp. We hunt Unit 9E which has a
minimum antler size restriction of 50 inches or better.
Our target is moose with antlers over 60 inches.
Click Here For More
Information On Our Alaska Moose Hunts
& Cast Hunt

The reopening
of Canada goose hunting on the Alaska
Peninsula has given us the opportunity to
offer a unique experience for our guests.
This is five days of Silver salmon fishing
and bird hunting, including geese and
multiple species of puddle duck. We leave
the lodge at first light and fly to the
tidal area where birds are flying. We land
on the beaches and a few landing areas and
walk to the best stake outs. My dog, Cinder
is always on the lookout for incoming birds.
When the birds slow down we can load back
into the plane for a quick flight down the
beach to the next bay south and land where
my boats are stored. Within minutes you are
fishing dime bright Silver Salmon from ten
to fifteen pounds that are pound for pound
some to the best fighters Alaska has to
offer. Plan on catching ten to fifteen of
these in three to four hours.
Click Here For More
Information On Our Blast & Cast Hunt
Fishing At
Pumice Creek Lodge

Pumice Creek
Lodge on the Alaska Peninsula opens in June
as "the kings" start their run up stream. We
fish for these twenty to forty pound
monsters very near salt water so you can be
assured to catch strong, dime-bright fish.
When the kings are running, there are also
many reds and some rainbows up to ten
pounds. These rainbows are catch and release
only so have your camera ready. As the
season progresses and the salmon start
spawning, the Arctic char move in for the
salmon eggs. The action on the fly pole is
nonstop with these two to eight pound
fighters. This fishing is primarily from the
Click Here For More Information On Fishing